Brilliant Mind Power Audio Training Collection
Manifesting your true brilliance in today’s stressful environment requires the relaxing down into your creative mind. Why? Because intense stress and creative thinking use two very different parts of your brain. This unique collection of audios will first calm your mind, then help you increase your creativity and invite brilliant insights using a modern technology – engineered brainwave training.
The “Brilliant Mind Power” brainwave collection includes four unique downloadable MP3 audios specially engineered by Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler, 45-year brain/mind researcher and pioneer mind power trainer.
Our brain training audios are ALL stereo-quality MP3s, so you can download them and listen on your computer or other listening device. They are NOT CD’s. But you can make your own CD using your computer once you have downloaded the MP3.
Audio 1. Instantly Calm Your Mind
Our FREE gift to you with this collection. If you have difficulty sleeping because your mind is racing from one thought to another, the Calm Mind Chatter brainwave session is a wonderful answer. Listen to this audio program before going to bed to help calm and quiet your busy or overactive mind. Also offers a great mid-day break from intense mental activities. This audio is our FREE GIFT to you with this audio training package. Headphones recommended. (Value $12.95)
Audio 2. Relax Into Creative Thinking
The Deep Calm audio training settles your mind into the state of consciousness where spontaneous insight occurs. You might have the sensation of a light flashing in your brain… or feel a vibration across the top of your scalp. This is the result of a massive neural connection in your brain. This level of consciousness is entered through relaxed awareness dominated by Alpha and specific Theta brainwaves. The audio includes specifically engineered music and a subliminal brainwave underlay. The immediate result is increased creative introspection and access to deeper levels of insight. 22 minutes, headphones recommended. (Value $12.95)
Audio 3. Invite Brilliant Insights
You’ve heard how musicians lose a sense of time while playing their music, athletes go into a timeless trance to mentally rehearse their sport, or an inventor or business person just spontaneously *stumbles upon* a brilliant idea while deeply relaxed. This is not an accident or luck. These people have focused in a brainwave frequency known as “The Zone.” Being in the zone is one of the most enjoyable and creative super-conscious experiences possible. The Enter the Zone brainwave training session sweeps from an “awake and aware” Beta-weighted beginning … to an awakened mind/Zone mix at the end. Increase the positive effects by gently focusing on a point just between your eyebrows with your eyes closed. Headphones are strongly recommended for best results. (Value $15.95)
Audio 4. Brighten your Brain
Our unique Brain Brightener brainwave training audio increases your body’s release of HgH (human growth hormone). The result is not only stronger joints and bones, but far more mental energy. A study performed by Dr. Vincent Giampapa, M.D., former president of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine, revealed this combination of alpha, theta, and delta brainwave patterns dramatically affects production of the important hormones related to increased mental clarity, healthy longevity and well-being. This audio training can be replayed for a longer experience. Headphones are not required. (Value $12.95)
To order the “Brilliant Mind Power Audio
Collection” — a $61.80 value for only $19.95
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